Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wilmore Adoption Support Group

Last night, we had our monthly Wilmore Adoption Support Group meeting. This meeting marked the completion of 3 years of meeting as a group. (Cydil, you were right, our first meeting was in March 2007) While we've had various families join our group at various times, this tends to be our "core" group. And the best part is all the families in this picture are in the process of adopting for the second time.

Kinnells, Bathjes & Waggoners

Other fantabulous news is that some old friends from high school sent us a check yesterday to help with our boys' adoption. Last week we also received a check from some friends from college. Praise the Lord! What a blessing! I haven't talked to these friends in several years, but they have been following our blog and wanted to help us on this next journey. Thanks, guys! (you know who you are!) We still have a long way to go financially, but it has been so encouraging to see the Lord providing.


Pugg said...

I am a mother of 14 all boy's but one, I adopted all but the first two!. I started my own blog only it is it's about changing my life in 365 days, of course my kids are a large part of it. I am new to blogging and am trying but could use anyone's help My site must not be working because i can't seem to get anyone to post on my page. I am a mother and grandmother from Michigan. I hope to see you in my site and possibly get some tips.
Thank you, Pugg

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I love to see how the Lord works behind the scenes!

Michelle said...

How exciting~~just jumped on your blog to see the latest~~you are adopting again! Congratulations!
Are you hoping for a couple of boys this time? God bless you all! It seems like Ethiopia is a much quicker process than Russia~~