Thursday, January 10, 2013

How Much Land Do You Need?

The topic of land and houses has been buzzing around here.  I've wanted to find more land for a year now, but the price of land in our county is utterly ridiculous. Our little town has been over developed so now anyone with 5 acres thinks they can sell it for $200k, hoping a developer will come and subdivide the property.  We really don't want to leave Wilmore because we love this little town and our kids love their friends and school.  But the options are really limited.  So the question of "How Much Land Do We Really Need" has been on my mind.  We'd love to expand our urban homestead to include bees, more poultry (ducks?), fruit trees and vines and of course expand our veggie garden. Sitting smack dab in the middle of our subdivision doesn't leave room for any of this and so my mind continues to contemplate.  I found this graphic on another blog and thought it was interesting.  I really want to add solar panels, but I want to be sure we have settled on the right piece of land before making such a large investment. 

Click on the picture to enlarge

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