We've had another busy week in the Kinnell household. The girls went to VBS at a local church last week so we started out with their closing program on Sunday night.

Can you spot the African children?

I finally conquered cornrows and beads with Essie this week and it stayed really well all week. She loved the beads and did not want me to take them out tonight.

Monday night was our monthly adoption support group meeting. The Waggoners had some sparklers that the kids really enjoyed. The Waggoners got some great news from CIS while were were there and we had 2 new families, both adopting from Ethiopia, join our group. YAH! I cannot stress enough how encouraging our support group is to us. I always tell my clients to find a support group before they bring their children home. No one understands the joys and trials the adoption journey brings unless they have been through it themselves. I am always so encouraged after our Monday night meetings.

Chloe really liked the sparkers-good the July 4th is just around the corner.

Aunt Buffy was in town this week and the girls were SO excited to spend the night with her at Grandma and Grandpa K.'s house. Chloe grabbed her backpack and was out the door before I even said it was time to go.

Tonight I head out to the garden after we got the girls to bed to check on my beans. I was not only surprised to find a lot of beans that needed to be picked, but I also found my first cucumbers. I was so sad the girls were already asleep because they get so excited to find new treasures in the garden. But I had a long day of work and with hair and bath night, I did not get outside until almost 9pm. I didn't even have time to do the girls hair so they are all natural for church tomorrow. We'll see if we have time tomorrow afternoon for some hair.

Blogspot always loads videos at the end of a post so here is a short video from the VBS program. The girls were so cute singing their songs, I just had to share with you all.
Oh, I almost forgot, after having no air conditioning this whole spring, we finally got a new unit on Thursday and our insurance paid for all of it, minus our $500 deductible. Since the heat index was 100 all week, we were all thrilled to finally get AC. I never knew I'd be so thrilled to have workmen show up at my house at 8:30am. Thank you Jesus and thank you KY Farm Bureau Insurance Company!