Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Homestead Is Hoppin'

So I realize our blog is entitled  Our Adoption Journey and it is quickly becoming Amy's foray into Homesteading.  Can't help it...its just what life is right now.  At least this post, I have pics of the kids thrown in. =) 
Essie helping with the day's harvest

Just had a few Romas at first so we made some fresh salsa.   I'm loving these banana peppers that I've grown this year because I can chop them small and hide them in all kids of dishes because of their light color.

Of course the standard green bell pepper works great in salsa too

The kids decided they didn't like fresh salsa as much as the salsa I can, I'm guessing because it was pretty potent.  We went on a Frosty run after this meal and I was still tasting the salsa the rest of the night (sorry, that might have been TMI).

This is the patch of ground where our "A-frame" has been this summer. (and by A-frame, I mean the area where I took the kids' old swing set and ran chicken wire around it. I know, totally redneck, but it worked!) It's located at the end of the garden furthest away from the chicken coup.  I ran a tunnel down the back of the garden to this frame so that the chickens could be working this unused portion of the garden.   As you can see, they've cleared it of weeds &   grass so we decided they needed some new space.

Our first round of corn is done so AJ &  I moved the A-frame to the middle of the garden and expanded the fence around it. 

The girls love having more space and the shade the cornstalks provides. 

I put the kids to work this week spreading out another load of free mulch in areas where our crops are done.   It works great to keep the weeds down and is good, heavy work for sensory seeking kids. 

I had a wheelbarrow but decided to let the kids use their small buckets, as it used up a bit more of their time.

The old A-frame area now nicely tucked in with mulch

Area in front of the new chicken run

Some of our carrot harvest

AJ-the king of salsa makers-helping with our first batch of canned salsa

The girls were so excited to get to help this year...well at least for the first 15 minutes.

I had to include a picture of my new ceiling fan that after 4 years of nagging requesting, my sweet hubby finally installed.  I stood over a hot vat of salsa for an hour and didn't even break a sweat, thanks to this fan.

AJ's creative chopping skills

Its cooking...

and the finished product

We took a break in the afternoon to let the girls free-range.  Chloe trying to pet one of the girls.

Essie begged for me to let her hold one of the ladies.  I have no idea why, but its a cute picture!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

AMY!!! That mulch is amazing! Your garden is going to love you for that. Love all this homesteading.