This was our year to spend Thanksgiving with Matt's family, so we headed to his grandparents' in Southern Illinois where we had a combined celebration of Thanksgiving and his grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary and 90th birthdays, all of which fall within six months. Because lots of family was in, we stayed in a hotel that had an indoor pool - a very big hit.

Testing the waters

Swimming with Ababa

Mom forgot her bathing suit, so guess who got to keep 4 kids afloat?

Mickey is a very good swimmer.

Amsalu, on the other hand, has a ways to go.

Ababa enjoys the whirlpool while the kids stick a toe in the hot water.

Hanging out at Gigi and Great-Grandpa's house

Aunt Daphne, Grandma Melanie, and Matt

Essie & Chloe meet their cousin Carson (Matt's cousin's son).

Essie is a guitar hero.

We had our celebration in the church fellowship hall so the kids would have stuff to do. One of the favorites was the parachute Matt found in a closet. He and Aunt Buffy knew lots of fun games from their elementary PE days. (Thank you, Mrs. Richmond, wherever you are!)

Grandma Melanie helps prepare the feast

Aunt Buffy brought some fun crafts for the kids to do between meals.






Somebody scored "10" on the Wii.

Gigi and Great-Grandpa

A full table

On the way home we found snow on the ground at the Kentucky Welcome Center. Mickey celebrates his first snow while Ababa prepares to initiate him to the joys of winter.

Direct hit!

"It's cold!"