Saturday, January 31, 2009
More Winter Weather Photos
It's been a pretty bad week for the state of Kentucky with hundreds of thousands of folks without power. (Fortunately, we haven't lost power at the Kinnell house.) Some people in the area may not have power for a couple more weeks. The library didn't get power back until late Friday night, so Matt was off work Tuesday-Friday. We lost our two beautiful flowering pear trees in our yard when they split under the weight of the ice. Today the sun was out all day, so some of the ice melted, and tomorrow is supposed to be 40 degrees, so we're hoping more melts away before another snow system comes through on Monday and Tuesday.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Winter Wonderland
We had a heck of an ice storm come through last night, and the pictures don't really do justice to the inch of ice that was covering everything. It took Matt about an hour to get both cars cleaned off so we could go to work. We have slipped and slid all over the place. The biggest tragedy, though, is that these may be the last photos ever taken on our digital camera that we bought for our trip to Ethiopia. It fell on the ground, and has not worked since.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Heading for the Hills
I needed to make a trip down to Eastern Kentucky to deliver some hymnals to some friends who have a church planting ministry, so I asked Prof. Lauter (who's always up for a trip to the hills) and our friend Michael (from Kenya) if they would like to come along. We had a great trip introducing Michael to the land of our youth...
Michael standing in front of Nada Tunnel in Red River Gorge
Michael and I Overlooking Swift Camp Creek Canyon
Devil's Canyon
Michael Checks Out the Icicles Along the Road
Wildwood Chapel was an old mission founded in the 1960's on the South Fork of the Red River by Duvon and Roberta Corbitt, former missionaries who taught at Asbury. We stopped by to take some pictures for the Asbury College Archives. Wildwood Chapel
Friday, January 23, 2009
Baby Shower at the Library!
Tonight we had a baby shower at Matt's work for us and another couple who are expecting. We hope to have some pictures of the party up later, but for now, here is a glimpse of the loot:
We are so thankful for our friends at JCPL and the beautiful party they threw for us. (They also raised some money to help with the adoption costs.)
Monday, January 19, 2009
A Little Mountain Ingenuity
Amy is sometimes amazed at my ability to fix things or install stuff. I'm pretty sure it comes from my Appalachian heritage...when you grow up without money, you learn to make do. For example:
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Grandma Melanie Makes Quilts for the Grandkids
Friday, January 2, 2009
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