Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Christmas 2016

This year we spent Christmas with my (Amy's) family in Indiana.  It was the first year we were all able to gather in Mom's new house to celebrate.  It wasn't exactly how we planned things since our family all passed around a nasty head cold & my sister Jen's family missed out on most of the celebration due to food poisoning but, it is what it is.  Christmas morning, we opened presents just with the Kinnell family as my brother Andy & his wife Caroline couldn't make it down to Mom's until the day after Christmas (Caroline works for the airline industry so had to work).

Chloe showing off her sketchbook that features her original artwork (which Mom had secretly made via Chloe's Art teacher).

A.J. showing off his scarf from Ethiopia

Essie with some of her loot

The next day, I busily made Christmas lunch since Jen was sick, Kelly has a new baby and Andy & Caroline were traveling from Chicago.

Matt putting my noise-canceling earphones to good use to try and finish his book.

Half of my sister Jen's home grown tom turkey (yes, half because the whole turkey weighed 36 pounds).  Unfortunately Jen & her family were stuck at home with food poisoning so they didn't get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. 

My niece Keziah's 1st Christmas

Showing off my Baby Whisperer skills

I finally got to hold Keziah since I had been sick the previous 3 days we were in Indiana so I made the most of it!

My brother Andy-photobombing his belly

Waiting to open presents with the cousins

It was all too much for Belle to handle

Yep, she's asleep again!

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