Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Fort

It's official! I'm the coolest mom ever. My kids said so. I found these shipping crates on the side of the road and AJ, his friend and I hauled each one of them home, one at a time. They had to weigh 50 pound each, but so worth it for the materials needed for a new fort. I've spent the last couple of days emptying them, pulling nails out and dismantling certain sides.

The result...one genuine fort, good enough for 3 kids & a slew of neighborhood kids

The green is the waterproof lining from the shipping crates

Matt helped reinforced the fort so no crates falls off and smash anyone so hopefully its ready to take all that the kids can give it. Hopefully come spring we'll be adding some improvements, its just your basic fort for now.


Richelle said...

You know what?? I LOVED the fort! You are one cooooool mom! If you remember, as children, our forts consisted of pine trees and scraped up pine needles for paths in the woods behind Grandma and Papa's. Great times...but imagine what we could've done with a fort like the one you all put together! ;)

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Sorry I didn't leave a comment, you ROCK as a mom and my boys are very jealous of your fort and I am sure this summer I will be collecting wood so we too can make one. When I grow up, I wanna be like you!


Following Closely said...

Love the fort! Our 4 kids would have a blast playing in it with your kids. They are always trying to find new ways to make forts. Earlier in the week the kids found a bunch of boxes in the neighbors trash (made the neighbors a little mad), and then it rained and the boxes were mush. They had fun while it lasted. You are a cool mom..letting your kids be kids!