We have been busy getting ready for Christmas. Essie and Chloe made gingerbread houses at school couple of weeks ago (thanks Mrs. Johnson b/c I do NOT have the patience for this project).

Chloe above; Essie below

btw: you may notice Essie is missing 1 front tooth. It came out a few weeks ago after she was dancing for Grandma K. via Skype and did a face plant on the hard wood floor. Monday, I got a call from Chloe while I was driving to a clients' house to inform me she had been horsing around with the boys and Amsalu's shoulder knocked out her front tooth. So now they match again and we can't cheat by looking at the girls smile to tell who is who.
Today, the kids made Christmas pictures using glitter glue...what a mess, but they had fun. Photos below by Amsalu.