Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Confession on Keeping It Quiet

Readers of our blog will not be unaccustomed to a lack of adoption news. Over the past year there has certainly been a lack of news, and that has made "Our Adoption Adventure" more like "Our Non-Adoption Adventure." Well, lately there has been some news, but we have been slow to share that because we have shared so many times before things that have not panned out, and we were getting really sick of that. However, we have been slowly telling family and friends, so now it seems our news should make its blog premier. So here it goes...

As you know, back in the first of September we entered the Ethiopian adoption program. The director of the agency happened to be on her way to Ethiopia, and she promised to find us a child (or children). Well...she found us twin 3-year-old girls. We have seen pictures and some video of the girls, and tonight we received their medical reports, which came back healthy.

We are still hesitant to get our hopes up due to our past experience, but we want to share our good news with family and friends and ask you to pray with us that we will be able to bring these girls home. Here they are, making their blog premier:

1 comment:

Kara said...

Wow, how exciting!!