Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Birthday, AJ!

Friday was AJ's 11th birthday.  Eleven!  Can you believe it?  He requested a Kentucky Wildcat on his birthday cake, which made his Dad very happy.

Birthday Boy

Birthday cake, design by Dad

Amy's parents and Matt's mom, sister, and Uncle Ron celebrated with us.  We were bummed that Matt's dad could not be there.  He has now been in the hospital for six months following a 6-bypass heart surgery last November.  He has been making good progress in the last week, but still a long way to go.

Don't you hate it when your camera goes blurry right at a crucial moment?

AJ and his new remote-control helicopter

Aunt Buffy knew how to make this boy happy - yellow shoes.

AJ got his first tool kit this year.  AJ is very good at tinkering with things.  He takes apart all his electronic toys and fixes ones that have stopped working.

"Since the Phoenicians invented coins, there has never been a better gift than cold, hard cash."

A new mp3 player from Mom and Dad

Just look how much this boy has grown!

1 comment:

  1. He has grown so much! Such a handsome young man!! Happy birthday, AJ!
