Why the horse picture? Why, it's Derby weekend in Kentucky, of course. Our commonwealth's time to shine. (That and anytime KFC launches a new ad campaign.) The state is all abuzz with Queen Elizabeth here this year to fulfill one of her lifelong dreams - attending the Kentucky Derby.
Well, it's been a while since our last post (which was way too negative to leave you hanging that long on). So, I've decided to straighten out of the fetal position long enough to write a little. (We'll see where this goes...) Actually, I've been out of the fetal position for almost a week now...
Last Wednesday night we spent the night in the emergency room with my first-ever case of kidney stones. Without elaborating too much, let me just say...ouch. I was laid up feeling pretty miserable until late Saturday afternoon, when I finally started feeling better. That was good, since I was supposed to preach twice on Sunday at our church while our pastor was out of town. About noon on Saturday I was getting really nervous. But I had a backup plan - if I wasn't feeling better on Sunday morning I figured I'd just take a couple of the percocet they gave me and preach out of the book of Revelation and nobody know the difference. But God was good, I was upright, and Sunday went pretty well.
The school year is wrapping up next week, and we are getting ready for the ghost town that is Wilmore in the summertime. No rest for the weary, though - I go to Kenya in two weeks (May 17-31), then Amy has Alumni Reunion in June, then we both go to Guatemala with a group from our church in July (7-14), then I am song evangelist and Bible teacher at a campmeeting in Washington state in August (4-12).
For anyone who cares, the CD is almost done. (Actually it was supposed to have been done a month ago, but for some reason it is not yet.) Every few days I get something else to approve. I hope to have it ready for mass consumption sometime in the first days of June. I am just waiting for them to send me the final product.
No new news on the adoption front. We are waiting.